The Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver warns for dissolution of 81,680 companies.
Please be informed that further to the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver (hereby referred to as the “RoC”) announcement dated October 10, 2017 the RoC further announces that companies that have not paid the annual fee for each of the years 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 will be deleted from the Register of the Department of Companies in December, stressing out that there are no extension margins.
The names of the companies have been published in the Official Gazette of the Republic at periodic intervals since last September. For example, in the 11th November issue, around 5,000 company names was included, giving them a three-month notice.
However, it should also be noted that 3,500 companies responded to the RoC’s call and settled their debts, while the number of compliant companies is expected to increase within the next few days.
The RoC reports that companies that owe the annual fee for previous years are over 80 thousand, while the total number of registered companies in the Registry is 215.702.
The problem of non-payment of fees is not only big but also perpetual, since only 50% of companies meet their obligation for payments of the annual fee of €350.
More specifically, companies that paid on time – by year are:
- For 2017 only 103,728
- For 2016 only 53%
- For 2015 only 50%
As a total of 227,840 companies, only 114.117 paid the fee.
Please arrange all pending levy of your company, thank you!